Friday, April 18, 2008

Spring time

It's spring time in South Carolina and I never can get use to it. I guess it's the Northern in me. Up North you actually have 4 seasons, but here on the coast you have 2 month of mild Winter. That is if your from the North, the Southerns think they will freeze to death. Winter is followed by 2 days of Spring then walla, right into Summer. Then another, well lets make it 2 weeks of Fall. But all kidding aside, South Carolina is a beautiful place to be. It does let me have some beautiful plants out side. In my blog I mention my favorite flower is a bougainvillea, well I'll show you what the plant looks like. Picture this, seeing this plant covering a wall of a house or a fence, much like Ivy will. Well in Hawaii it grows like that. The most breath taking thing I've ever seen. When it gets cooler I put my outside plants in the bathroom, in the garden tub. My husband doesn't much care for it. But it's good to see the tub in use.

Next we just planted a Magnolia tree in the front yard. I figure when I'm about 110 it'll be a nice size by then, being it's a slow growing tree. I think the tree will make it, not me. I just notice a bloom (only 1) so I took a picture of it. I can't wait for it to open, I'll take more picture's of it then.

Now I know this sounds silly, but not to me. When we moved to South Carolina I wanted to take a little of home with me, home being Michigan. In Michigan we have Lilacs bushes, hedges or trees, depending on how you let it grow. I, and I'm very proud of this have babied this bush for probably 13 years now. This is not the way this bush grows in Michigan. The Lilac is a fast growing bush. You can cut a small branch about a foot long and stick it in the ground and have a 6ft bushy bush in a year. I, for lack of better words, will call this a bunch of twigs, I'm sorry to say. But I love it anyway. Oh, and it smells so good!

Here's a native plant to the South, it's called a Century Plant. Some 30 years ago my husband was on vacation in Myrtle Beach and took a small century plant back to Michigan. Every year before winter I had to drag this plant into the house because a Michigan winter is known to kill any and everything. Now if you know anything about this plant you know that if you brush up against it, it doesn't act like any other plant. It doesn't give away with it's branches and let you pass. This devil plant will take whatever piece of skin that comes into contact with it and rip it right off you. I kid you not fore I have had this happen to me many times. I hated that plant in Michigan, but down in the South where they grow outside I've come to have a great respect for it. (It still wants to kill me) Word has it, it only blooms once every 100 years, so I'm sorry to say I won't be around for the show this plant puts on. I've heard a stalk grows from the middle and about 15 to 20 feet high, with a beautiful flower at the end of it. There is only one draw back to this, after it blooms the entire plant dies. This huge plant dies. It turns black and withers away, it's really quite sad and ugly. One of my neighbor's told me someone was walking by and said they thought it was going to bloom this year. I hope their wrong, because excuse me but I'm not THAT old!
Now I know these next 2 pictures aren't anything special, but they are pretty and I thought I'd take a couple of shots of them. The name escapes me right now but just look at them, nice.
Well, I guess that's about it for right now.
I've just learn the hummingbirds are back in town so I have to get the feeders ready. Maybe I'll be lucky enough to catch one with my camera.

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

A Secret Love!

There is another love I have, and is kept in my heart. Now there are many loves you can have. You can have love for your spouse, your children, parents, animals, you can even love inanimate objects. This secret love I talk about is like no other love I have ever had. I will say, this love is not shared back, and at first that hurt and I couldn't understand it. Much like the word no. The word no is foreign to me. But over time I have learned to except what life has dealt me. That by all means does not mean I can't still love this secret love. I don't think you have a say in matters of the heart. You either have these feeling or you don't. Just because someone or thing doesn't love you, it doesn't mean you can turn or shut off your feelings of love. Believe me I have tried, but to no avail. I'm afraid this love will be with me until I die. It will always live, like I said in my heart. It will always be in my memories, as long as they last. I feel very fortunate to have felt this love, I don't know if everyone gets to feel it in their life time. I am very lucky, and thankful I have.