Thursday, February 28, 2008

Something New.............

This picture was taken just a few short hours after Andrew was born. I arrived at the hospital about an hour after he made his entrance. Mother, Dad, and baby all well and doing fine. I was luck enough to be the first of their friends to hold him, and I can tell you what a thrill that was for me. I can't remember feeling this comfortable with a newborn baby in all my years, even with my own sisters. Andrew's mom and dad treat me like part of the family, and I feel more like a sister to his mother than a friend, so maybe that's it. There are three women in my life and counting me make four in our little group. All loving our pet's and making them our family because we four weren't lucky enough to have children, that is until Andrew. I can't tell you enough what a welcome surprise he is to all of us. How lucky can you get to have three extra Auntie's in your life? All of a sudden I feel like Auntie Mame. If you don't understand that last sentence, rent the movie. Anyway, there is a new love in my life, and his name is Andrew.

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