Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Fun with Diane Stewart

My sister-n-law is visiting from Las Vegas and we went to Ocean Isle Beach and Sunset Beach today. We had a great time picking up shells, feeling the wind in our faces, and the quite was overwhelming. Tourist have vacated for the most part and beaches are clear. Just a few scragglier's running here, walking there.

We bent over and found some nice shells. I love to see shells with the outside gone, exposing the insides. The intricate insides of the shells. There must have been a storm, I'm guessing last night or so, there were so many broken sand dollars on shore.

There was also a nice size crab, light in color running like the wind sideways. He seemed to be more scared of us than the birds. The crab finally found cover in some grass, hay or could have been seaweed and sand. He seemed to feel safe there. I couldn't resist taking his picture. Can you see him, he's in at the top of the picture in the middle. I also took some pictures of the beach and ocean that I thought I'd throw in.

It's been a long time since I've been to the beach, to long. I use to go and just sit and look out at the ocean and feel the breeze. It was a great place to think things through, or just clear my head. For whatever reason you use to go the the beach, use it. We, along the coast seem to waste this luxury that has been afforded us.

I also took her to "La Belle Amie" vineyard. We had a great time there too.

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